暗黑地牢饰品代码大全 饰品代码一览

日期: 2023-10-13 10:12:50 人气: -




The Scarecrow's Brain 39医-15准

Ravenous Lion's Ring 15伤6暴

Agnus Dei 8伤6爆

Aronynne's Bane10伤5准

Arzac's Tome of Incantations 12爆-18闪

Avalon 6速6爆

Bear's Breath 10血4爆10抗晕

Beloved's ring 10伤4速5准

Bloodbrine 30医(位4) -10血

Dad Jokes 23医

Boots of much kicking 10伤4暴6防

Brutal Hairpin15伤

Corwyn's Cape 8伤4准3爆(远程)

Cthulhu's Requiem 18伤(位4)4爆(远程)

Da powar 10伤10准

trenche fist 6闪10伤10血

Danger Zone 6爆7准

Tyruil 10爆(远程)

Dano's Glory 4爆5准4速

Drifter's Bandana 13伤5爆(远程)8德

Edge Comb 17医8闪13毒抗(位4)

Golf Gun 13伤6准(远程)

Helmet of the Mad Warrior 6防4爆10血

Hound Crest 4速10伤5准

House Bloodrage Signet ring 4速10伤

Huichi's Bracelet 4准6爆

Necronomicon 26医4速 -48经

Shroud of Living Failures 10伤4爆(远程)

SkullyFM 10伤-10压

Starbreaker 12速

Svallin 9抗15血

Svalinn 6抗-10压13回

Takara's Heart10伤5准6死抗

The Winning Smile 13伤5爆16经

Thraximundar's Rage 10伤10血4爆

Tournament Victor's Ribbon 5准10伤6闪


Crest of the 1100 25德

Carnal Visage 10拆8吓

Dead man's will8德14抗死

Decusian Prayerbook 12德

Taersa's Perseverance 12德

Grimalkin's Nip-10压16经

Drop of rain 13医13回20经


Aliandre 11防-18压

Le Roi en Jaune24经-15压

Beneath the Dark -13压16经

Claw of the Bellwether Beast 6爆15抗移

Claws of the Cat 3暴10伤4速(位1)

Dark Night of the Soul 16防-13压-48经

Hysterical Visage 10伤5爆(近战)6闪

Invictus -15压

Lumihiutale 14德20医

Talisman of Passion 12吓16经

Tome of the Dawn 11防23医


分类标签: 暗黑地牢